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Schools and Teachers

Thank you for considering Concordia a place where your students may benefit from volunteer experience. Here are answers to some common questions:

If I contact you about volunteer placements for my students, can you guarantee the placements?

Sorry, we cannot guarantee placements prior to reviewing volunteer applications. All volunteers must go through the same intake process. We screen every applicant thoroughly and follow best practices in the field of volunteer management. We have the responsibility to balance the interests of the volunteer, our patients and the hospital. Our goal is to ensure a successful match between the volunteer and the volunteer positions we have available at that particular time. If students require a certain number of hours for graduation they need to apply well in advance before their grade 12 year.

Do you accept students needing 10 or 15 community service hours?

Because of the time it takes to train new volunteers in their roles, we only accept placements for 50 hours or more.

How do I get application forms and other information for my students?

All necessary forms and information can be accessed through this website.

Do you visit schools to speak with students about volunteering?

Yes, we will gladly come to speak with your students. You can call our office at 204-661-7112 to make arrangements.

We’ve had some very successful placements at Concordia in the past. Can we set up a system where I can automatically count on placements for my students?

Sorry, but we can never guarantee placements as it depends on what shifts and positions are open and this changes constantly. Also, we need to match each individual to his/her placement.

We encourage you to contact us with the type of placements that you are looking for and the times of the year when you have placement needs. This way we can anticipate potential influxes of volunteers and watch for openings that would be suitable.

How do I arrange for a student to job shadow someone in health care?

Volunteer Services does not coordinate job-shadowing requests or other observational / mentoring experiences.

We offer students the opportunity to experience a health care setting through a regular volunteer commitment. This will expose them to the hospital environment and provide them with a good sense of what various healthcare professionals do.

Who should I call to discuss volunteer placements?

You may call our office at 204-661-7112. We will be happy to discuss our positions and answer any questions you have. Thank you for your interest!