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Volunteer Application

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer at Concordia?

Here are the steps to getting started:

1. Application

Complete and submit an on-line application form. If you have any questions, please phone us at 204-661-7112.

  • Apply to volunteer at Concordia Hospital, click here

2. The Interview

Once our office receives your application, our administrative assistant will contact you to arrange for an interview.

The interview is one way we find out more about you and your interests. This will be your opportunity to work with our staff to identify a placement that you would enjoy. During the interview, feel free to ask any questions you may have about volunteering at Concordia.

We will also discuss volunteers’ responsibilities and hospital confidentiality.

3. Screening

After your interview, your references will be contacted.

All volunteer applicants will be asked for an Adult Abuse Registry Check. A Child Abuse Check may also be required dependent on placement. As well, all applicants over the age of 18 will require a Criminal Record Check.

4. The Offer

If a successful match is made between your skills and abilities and an available position, we will offer you a volunteer position. If you decide to accept the offer, we will discuss a start date with you.

5. Training & Orientation

You will receive a name tag and uniform (if needed for your placement). You will complete a general orientation that will last approximately 2 hours and it will cover all the information you will need to know in order to begin volunteering. You will also receive specific training for your volunteer position. You are now ready to begin volunteering.

6. Your Feedback

Do you have any questions or concerns? Please feel free to provide feedback to one of the Volunteer Services staff.

Important Note
We take our responsibility to patients seriously. Therefore, we screen all applicants thoroughly. While we try to place every prospective applicant, volunteer management reserves the right to reject any applicant.

We also reserve the right to offer only those placements we feel are appropriate to each of our volunteer applicants.