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  • Concordia Hospital Sign

Masking for Visitors and Designated Caregivers, Patients/Residents/Clients

Masks are Recommended, but not required in most settings.

For general visitors, designated care providers and individuals seeking care, masks will be readily available and strongly encouraged, but will not be required except in areas where an immunocompromised population is receiving care. Signage will indicate where masks are required.

Staff are required to wear a mask while providing care. 

Symptomatic patients/residents/clients will continue to be asked to wear a mask for the safety of everyone around them (as tolerated).

In areas where Additional Precautions are in place, designated caregivers and general visitors will be able to visit with appropriate PPE.

In areas of outbreak, designated caregivers can continue to visit with appropriate PPE.

Medical masks are available upon entry to health facilities as well as at any team station.

Visitor Information – April 19, 2023

At Concordia Hospital, we believe visits from family and friends are important to our patients’ wellbeing and recovery.  We are pleased to welcome visitors to Concordia hospital, and have provided the following information to help you know what to expect when you visit: 

General Visiting Hours are 0800 – 2000 (8:00 AM to 8:00 PM) 
If you are a designated caregiver, please connect with your loved one’s care team as we welcome your support beyond general visiting hours.  The presence of designated caregivers will need to be balanced with patient and staff safety. 

Clean Your Hands
Visitors are required to stop at a mask / hand sanitizing station at the entrance to our building.  Please clean your hands upon arrival and then frequently during your visit.  You can help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses and other germs. 

Stay home if you are feeling unwell
If you are feeling ill, or feel sick, please do not visit.  Virtual Visits are still available on a limited basis.   

Limited number of Visitors
Given space availability in the patient care rooms, we kindly request family and friends to limit visitors to 2 at a time, children are the exception.  It is recommended that up to two Visitors visit with the patient at the same time while on the unit.

General visitors are not permitted during an outbreak except in End of Life situations.

The presence of Designated Caregivers will be considered during an outbreak however they will be required to wear PPE (Protective Personal Equipment) at all times. 

As always, up-to-date Information is available at the following locations:
Information for the Public:
Information for Health Care Providers, Physicians & Staff

Patient & Family Advisory Council

Concordia Hospital is currently accepting applications for the Patient and Family Advisory Committee.

Are you interested in improving the patient and family experience at Concordia Hospital? Concordia is seeking 4-5 community members for the Patient and Family Advisory Council.

For more information click here.

About Concordia Hospital

Concordia Hospital was started in 1928 by a group of Mennonites who had immigrated to Canada from Russia. Seeing the need for health care in the growing immigrant community they started their first project, which was a 4 bed maternity hospital. This project would grow to become the present Concordia organization, which includes Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place. The blessing they had received by being able to immigrate to Canada motivated them.

Concordia’s mission, vision and values come from this Anabaptist/Mennonite heritage and commitment to mutual aid through compassionate service by offering compassionate care in the name of Christ and in the spirit of Christian community. Our focus is on healing all those we serve.

We believe that we have a mutual obligation to care for each other. Just as those that started Concordia showed it in 1928, we hope that you will feel that obligation as we care for you during your stay at Concordia today.

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