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Urgent Care

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Always Call 911 for life-threatening emergencies

When do I go to the Urgent Care Department?

Urgent care centres provide 24/7 access for unexpected, but non-life-threatening health concerns, which require same day treatment. Patients are seen based on their medical need, not order of arrival.

Go to urgent care for:

  • illnesses or injuries that cannot wait for you to see your family doctor
  • dehydration
  • fevers, flu symptoms, rashes or infections
  • injured limb that might be broken or sprained
  • cuts that won’t stop bleeding
  • any other urgent, but not life-threatening, conditions

Find your right care

All health matters are important. Many health matters are urgent, but not every illness or injury is an emergency. helps you understand your options.

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If you are still uncertain:

Call 911


Health Links at 204-788-8200 | 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free)