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Youth Volunteers

Volunteering can be a great way to build work and people skills, have fun and meet new friends. If you are 16 or older, we would be happy to talk to you about volunteer opportunities at Concordia.

Summer is a great time to get started

If you’re interested in trying a volunteer position, why not work with us through the summer? The commitment we need from you is one shift a week for at least 6 weeks during the summer. Be sure to apply in early May or June.

And if you enjoy your experience with us, then consider continuing your volunteer position after the school year begins.

You have so much to give…

By volunteering at Concordia, you can:

  • Make people who may be feeling lonely or stressed more comfortable
  • Share a smile and friendly conversation with our patients and visitors (it’s very much appreciated!)
  • Help our busy staff get their work done

…And so much to gain

Through volunteering, you can:

  • Know that your efforts make a positive difference to the experience of our patients and their families
  • Help make your community a better place
  • Learn work skills and build your resume
  • Get a sense of what it is like to work in a healthcare environment and see many different job possibilities
  • Make new friends

What we ask of you

  • You come for an interview to discuss your interests, skills and what opportunities we have to offer
  • You commit to a schedule that we agree upon together
  • You respect the confidentiality of our patients
  • You are able to work independently or as part of a team

Interested? Apply today!

You can apply online, in person or by mail.