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Patient & Family Advisory Council

Concordia Hospital is currently accepting applications for the Patient and Family Advisory Committee.

Are you interested in improving the patient and family experience at Concordia Hospital?  Concordia is seeking 4-5 community members for the Patient and Family Advisory Council.

Who can apply?
If you are interested in working together with other community members to help improve our health care delivery at Concordia, and if you are able to attend about 8-10 meetings per year, you may apply.  Meetings take place in-person or via Microsoft Teams.

We hope to build a membership that reflects the diversity of the community served by our hospital.  We will assist you in attending in-person meetings by providing free parking.

How to Apply?
You can apply either:

  1. Online using our online form, or
  2. Download and print the application form.  Please send your completed form to:

We will contact you within two weeks of receiving your application.  Interview dates to be determined.

Interested in receiving more information?
If you have any questions or would like more information about the Patient and Family Advisory Group at Concordia, please contact Kayon Gray (contact information above).