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Visitor Parking

Parking at Concordia for patients and visitors can be found in the parking lots in front of Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place.

Handicap parking

Handicap parking is available near Urgent Care and the Rehab Services area (back of the building – enter off Kimberley Ave.). Please remember that your handicap decal must be displayed on the rearview mirror when using a handicap parking space.

Hourly parking

Parking is available on an hourly basis in front of both Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place.

Frequent visitor parking

If you need to make many or long visits to Concordia within a short period of time, a weekly parking pass is a convenient and affordable option. A 7 day pass costs $40 and a 30 day pass costs $80. There are a limited number of these available. The pass will work in the South East lot located in front of Concordia Place.

GST is included in these rates. To purchase a pass, contact the Security Services office located in the front lobby of Concordia Hospital or call 204-661-7229.

Meter Parking

Metered parking spaces are available on the front driveway of Concordia Hospital.