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Maintenance Staff


Other useful information for you and your family.

Information Desk is located at the 1095 Concordia Avenue entrance.

Crutches, Canes and Walkers

If walking aides are required you will be given information on how to rent or purchase them.

Staxi Transport Chairs

Staxis are transport chairs available for outpatients and visitors who need assistance travelling to and from appointments at Concordia. They are for adult use only (age 12 and up). The chairs require another adult to push you. Please have a family member or friend accompany you if you need to use a Staxi.

Please do not remove wheelchairs or Staxis from Concordia property. If you see any outside the hospital, please call 204-667-1560 and we will come and get them.


Wheelchairs are available for use while you are in the hospital, and to get you to the front entrance when you are discharged. Please do not remove wheelchairs from Concordia. If you think you may need a wheelchair once you are home, your health care team can make those arrangements with you as part of your discharge plan.

Lost and Found

Please see Security Services. To enquire about a lost item, please call 204-661-7229 or visit the Security Office.

Security Services

For your safety, cameras are located throughout Concordia and Security personnel patrol the buildings and grounds 24 hours per day. Phone: 204-661-7229

Other services include: