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While you’re in the Hospital


At Concordia Hospital we provide respectful and compassionate care. We recognize that wait times and other circumstances can be a source of frustration. We ask for your patience, and promise to do everything we can to assure that your needs are addressed as quickly as possible. You can expect respect and courtesy from our staff, and we request the same from you. Abusive behaviour toward staff, patients and visitors is not permitted at Concordia Hospital.

Consent to treatment / Informed consent

While you are in hospital you may be asked to sign a consent form for specific procedures and/or surgery. Before signing a consent form, you should have information about and understand what will be done; the purpose, expected benefits, potential complications, alternatives and consequences of not proceeding with the recommended procedure. If you have questions regarding consent, please discuss this with your physician. The decision to accept or refuse treatment is yours.

Health Care Directive

A Health Care Directive is a personal care document that describes your wishes for your care, in the event that you are unable to make those wishes known. If you have such a document, please advise our staff when you are admitted. For more information on Health Care Directives, please ask your health care provider.

Financial arrangements

If you are a Canadian citizen, standard hospital costs are covered through Manitoba Health or other provincial health care plans. Uninsured patients are responsible for the applicable per diem charge as set by Manitoba Health & Healthy Living. Inpatient per diem payment arrangements are made at the time of admission. Outpatient payment arrangements are required prior to treatment.

Fire alarms

Fire alarms may happen while you are a patient at Concordia. When you hear the fire alarm, the location will be announced over the public address system. All fire doors will close automatically until there is an “all clear” announcement. Do not be worried when you hear the fire alarm, or if a staff member closes the door to your room. Please remain where you are unless a staff member or the Fire Department directs you to another location during a fire alarm. Visitors should remain at the bedside with you during a fire alarm. Elevators are not to be used during a fire alarm or fire drill. Please look for the nearest fire exit, which is clearly marked.

Infection Prevention and Control

Handwashing is the single most important way to prevent the spread of infections. Staff at Concordia Hospital use practices to prevent the spread of infection. To protect our patients and visitors we ask that all visitors wash their hands before they enter a patient room and after leaving a patient room. Antimicrobial hand gel dispensers are strategically located in corridors and patient rooms to assist you with this. At times you will see a sign on a patient door that shows precautions that must be observed. This sign indicates that the patient is in isolation and you may need to wear gloves, gowns or a mask to visit. Please consult with a staff member before entering any room with a precaution sign on the door.

Lost & Found

Found items can be submitted to Security. To inquire about lost items please call Security at 204-661-7229. If you do lose something, please also tell your health care provider.

Mail Delivery

Mail is delivered to patient care units from Monday to Friday. Mail sent to you should be addressed as follows:

Your first and last name
Concordia Hospital
1095 Concordia Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2K 3S8

A Canada Post mailbox is located outside the main entrance.


Concordia will provide you with prescribed medications that our pharmacy stocks while you are in hospital. If you are on a medication that is not available from our pharmacy you will be asked to bring that medication in from home. If you have brought any medications with you, please let your nurse know immediately upon admission. Do not take any medications that you have brought from home without the consent of your Concordia care givers. Please discuss your medications with your physician. Arrangements can be made for a family member or friend to take the medications home, or they can be given to a Concordia caregiver for safekeeping. Any medications given over for safekeeping will be returned to you when you are discharged from the hospital.


Copies of the newspaper are available for purchase in the Cafeteria and in newspaper boxes located outside the Front Lobby and Urgent Care Department entrance.

Room accommodations

Concordia has three types of patient rooms:

  • Standard – 4 beds per room
  • Semi-private – 2 beds per room
  • Private – 1 bed per room

Private and semi-private accommodations

Prior to hospital admission, patients should ensure their Manitoba Health Registration Card is active and information is current.

Your Manitoba Health or other provincial plan provides coverage for standard accommodation only. If you wish to have more private accommodation, charges for preferred accommodations are your responsibility. Supplementary private insurance coverage, such as Blue Cross, may cover these charges. The rates are as follows:

  • Semi-private room – $97/day
  • Private room – $139/day

Preferred Accommodation (Private & Semi-Private rooms) requests can be made at the time of admission. Invoicing for Preferred Accommodations will be issued subsequent to discharge.

The hospital cannot always meet a request for a private or semi-private room. If your choice of room is not available when you are admitted, you will be accommodated as soon as one becomes available.

Due to the number of patients at the hospital, and the conditions of those patients, hospital staff are unable to make promises about the roommate’s gender or age, or other special considerations. Also, at times, staff may need to move a patient from one room to another, or from one patient care unit to another.

Safety and security

Each member of the hospital team wears an identification badge with their name, job title and department. Trained security officers ensure a safe and secure environment for our patients, staff and visitors. Security officers on duty are identified by their uniforms and identification badges.


In accordance with City of Winnipeg Outdoor Smoking By-Law No. 62/2011 and WRHA policy, Concordia Hospital is a smoke free facility. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the property of Concordia Hospital, including all entryways, grounds and parking areas.

Telephone and TV

Pay phones are located in the front lobby and Urgent Care Waiting Room. Most patient lounges also have telephone access.

MTS Wi-Fi Hotspot Service is now available in the Concord Café (Public Internet Access is now available). Wi-Fi lets you access the Internet through wireless technology. MTS is providing Internet access in the Concordia Café. All you need is a Wi-Fi enabled device (such as a laptop or PDA) to access your email and browse the Internet on the go.

Cell phones, BlackBerries, iPhones and other mobile devices are not allowed in some patient areas, as they may interfere with medical equipment. If you have questions about whether you can use your device, please ask a member of our staff.

TV rental services are available right at the bedside, provided by HealthHub Patient Engagement Solutions. Patients or their loved ones can either complete the rental process anytime on the bedside terminal or by visiting  

Phone service can be rented by calling Ext. 7515 or 1-866-223-3686 is available 24/7 to also help answer questions related to local channel guides and request customer service assistance. 

Transfer to another Hospital or Health Care Facility

At times you may need to be transferred to another hospital for special tests or procedures, or to accommodate your recovery or long-term care needs. Such transfers will be coordinated by your health care team, who will keep you fully informed of the process.

Please note: Certain transfers may not be covered under your Manitoba Health coverage.