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Spiritual Health

Spiritual Health at Concordia is reflective of our core values, compassion and respect. Our staff are trained to accompany and support our patients and their loved ones during a time of illness, being respectful of their beliefs, values, and religious or spiritual background.

We offer the following services:

  • Visitation, companionship, and a listening ear with compassion and understanding
  • Providing support during times of crisis, grief or loss
  • Prayer and inspirational readings
  • Arranging services, rituals, sacraments and ceremonies respecting one’s beliefs
  • Assisting patients and their families with ethical issues and decision making


The hospital Chapel provides a peaceful and serene atmosphere for quiet meditation, reflection and prayer. Within our Chapel you will find a selection of inspirational books/magazines, a prayer book that gives our Chaplains permission to pray for the requests you submit, as well as a prayer corner which can be used for private personal prayers or quiet time. Open 24 hours a day, this space can be accessed by anyone and is located on the Main Floor of the hospital.

Calendar of Events

Christian Gathering (Chaplain Led)Chapel – Main FloorBi-Weekly – Every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays10:30 A.M.
Smudging And Sharing Circle (In collaboration with Indigenous Health Services)Indigenous Health Family Room – Ground FloorMonthly – Every 4th Thursday02:00 P.M.

Indigenous Healing Ceremonies:

  • The Indigenous Health Family Room is available for patients and their families’ weekdays and after hours on the ground floor
  • Smudge Ceremonies available upon request

Hours of Service:

  • Chaplains are available Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
  • On-call service providers are available on off hours, weekends and stat holidays
  • Roman Catholic Priests are on-call daily except, 11:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m.

Chaplains can be reached by calling Information at 204-667-1560 (external calls) or by calling “0” (internal calls).