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Medical Assistance in Dying

As a Mennonite faith-based organization, deeply rooted in the rich heritage of its early Mennonite founders in 1928, the Concordia Hospital Board of Directors created a policy in June of 2016 in response to the legislation on MAID. The policy was developed in consultation with Concordia physicians, managers, staff and includes input from the College of Physicians and Surgeons and other professional bodies. As well, members of the Concordia Hospital Board, the Chief Operating Officer and the Spiritual Care Manager attended a variety of sessions conducted by Mennonite Church Conferences and other faith-based health care organizations examining the subject.

We are committed to providing respect and dignity in care to every person throughout his or her life from conception to natural death. As such, Concordia is committed to quality end of life care, and supporting patients/residents and their loved ones in a compassionate manner. As an alternative to MAID within Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place, staff and physicians will make every effort to ensure patients and families have information about and are supported in advance care planning. Compassionate, quality care will be provided to meet each patient’s physical, psychological and spiritual needs at end of life.

Concordia believes that providing health care is a ministry assigned to us by Christ and is expressive of our Anabaptist faith, values and ethics. As such, our opposition to the practice of MAID based on our ethical and moral beliefs needs has been recognized and honored by the WRHA, and Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place will not offer the service of MAID. Although Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place will not provide medical assistance in dying, patients asking for medical assistance in dying will be respected and will be treated with compassion. In order to provide patients/residents with information about MAID, Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place will connect patients and family with the Provincial Medical Assistance in Dying Clinical Team. Regardless of any decision made by a patient or resident, Concordia Hospital and Concordia Place will continue to provide compassionate care for as long as the patient or resident remains in our care.

Concordia Hospital is appreciative that the WRHA and the department of Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living respect the right of health care providers, and organizations, to conscientiously object to this service while balancing their legislated obligation to ensure the service is available to any Manitoban who is eligible and requests the service.

For more information:

Medical Assistance in Dying (WRHA Policy)
Request for Medical Assistance in Dying (Concordia Hospital Policy)