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As a patient, you play an important role in your healthcare. We rely on you to tell us how you feel and what you need.

If you have questions or concerns about any part of your hospital experience, please speak freely with:

  • Your nurse, doctor or any member of your care team.
  • The manager or nurse in charge on your unit.

If you are uncomfortable doing this, consider asking a friend or family member to help.

We encourage you to discuss your concerns as soon as possible, while you are still in hospital. Speaking up will improve your experience at Concordia; it will not compromise your care.

Please tell us when our staff are doing a good job, or when you have a positive experience or you have suggestions for improvement. We appreciate hearing from you. Here are a few ideas for sharing your feedback:

  • Send a thank you card or letter to the staff on the unit that cared for you.
  • Share your comments with the Executive Team by sending a letter or by calling 204-661-7116.
  • Consider making a donation to Concordia Hospital Foundation