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Patient Care Programs

Urgent Care

Our Urgent Care is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is equipped to handle non-life-threatening health concerns that require same day treatment.

Family Medicine Program

Each year, more than 2600 individuals are admitted to one of four in-patient Family Medicine Program units.

The Family Medicine Program includes family physicians from our community who are part of our interdisciplinary team that provide medical care when you need to be in a hospital.

Our Family Medicine Program includes a 28-bed unit which specializes in providing care for patients that are transitioning from being in their home to a long term care setting such as a Personal Care Home.

Surgery Program

Our main surgical specialty is orthopedics which includes hip and knee replacements as well as upper extremity orthopaedics such as shoulder replacements. Each year, more than 1,600 total and partial hip and knee replacements and over 300 upper extremity procedures are done at Concordia. We also do general surgery and endoscopy procedures. Many of these procedures are conducted on a day surgery basis, while others require a longer-term stay on one of our surgical units.

Additional Programs and Services

Concordia also offers a host of other programs and services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, social work services, speech language services, spiritual care, pharmacy services, clinical nutrition services, home care services, diagnostic imaging, laboratory, educational resources, and much more.