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Honouring Concordia’s Mennonite Heritage and Christian faith foundation, we offer healing and hope, serving the whole person and the whole community, with a spirit of compassion and grace.



We commit ourselves to the ongoing pursuit of excellence and to caring unconditionally for one another and the community we serve.


We are dedicated to caring for the people we serve and each other with compassion, respect and grace.


We engage with a spirit of collaboration with the people we serve and the people with whom we serve.

What is a Faith Based Healthcare Facility?

Within the Province of Manitoba, a Mennonite healthcare facility is a publicly funded facility which is owned and sponsored by the Mennonite community. As a publicly funded facility we have an obligation to provide healthcare which meets or exceeds government and professional standards. As a facility which is sponsored by the Mennonite community we have an obligation to provide care in a manner that is consistent with and expressive of Mennonite values and ethics.

Because we are a Mennonite facility, we establish our policies, set our goals and evaluate our programs in light of a particular set of values which is deeply rooted in our Christian faith and Mennonite heritage. In all that we do we strive to follow the example of Christ who was moved by compassion to heal the sick, comfort the sorrowful and welcome marginalized people.

What Makes a Mennonite

Today, you won’t recognize most Mennonites by how they dress. But you will find vibrant Mennonite congregations scattered throughout rural areas, small towns and large cities across Canada and throughout the world.

What We Believe

Mennonites believe in Jesus Christ as the One sent by God to bring reconciliation to a broken world and believe in the Bible as the central source of inspiration for faithful living. Mennonites share essential core beliefs with Christians of Catholic and Protestant communities. We emphasize the connections between faith, words and actions.

Inside each of us there is a yearning to understand why we are here. Mennonites believe the answer lies in both believing in and following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Mennonites seek to live out Jesus’ teachings by being active members of church communities who live out their beliefs in the community at large. A core understanding of the Mennonite Christian faith is that peace building is an achievable way of life.

While Mennonites have certain beliefs and values, we remain respectful of and appreciate the many differing beliefs and values of those we serve.